(717) 637-5674

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Hanover Land Services, Inc. was the Engineer in Charge on two contracts. On the first, they were responsible for the coordination, preparation, and submission of the Township’s MS-4 Notice of Intent and assuring the Township instituted the proper policies, reporting, and programs to meet permit requirements. HLS’ staff worked with the Township to develop their MS-4 mapping and prepared their NOI for submittal and prepared the information needed to meet permit requirements. Mapping responsibilities included analysis of existing data for accuracy and determining MS-4 outfall locations, drainage areas, and observation points.

The current contract involves ensuring permitting requirements are met on an ongoing basis. Responsibilities include preparing the required plans for each MCM, assisting the Township in record keeping and compiling required paperwork for the Annual Reports each year. Additional responsibilities include preparing the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan, assisting the Township in updating their storm water ordinance and developing their dry weather testing operating procedures in addition to assisting in developing the Township’s Operating and Maintenance procedures and employee training programs.

Want to learn more about the MS4 program? Click this link: http://www.penntwp.com/MS4-Stormwater.html